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In an effort to reach out to the Greater New Haven Community, captain Josh Ip created a Horizons Program at the Foote School. Horizons offers a tuition-free summer enrichment program to kids grades K-5 from around New Haven. Every summer, members of the team go to the Foote School to teach a STEM program. Many of the students we teach come from low-income homes, qualifying for free school lunch and wearing clothes from the lost and found, and being able to make their day just a little bit brighter is something that we will treasure forever.


Over the course of the summer, we volunteered in classes from K-5 and taught classes ranging from mini “Mr. Learnie” kits for Kindergarteners and Mindstorms for our 5th graders. With our 5th graders, we used a “blocks” program similar to that that FIRST uses, and we know these lessons will lead to future involvement with these kids in FLL and FTC teams. Aside from Legos. we also teach the kids how to perform experiments to learn about topics such as density, ecology, and physics! 

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